Strengthening Democracy
Advancing a more inclusive, resilient democracy
Investing in initiatives that promote and strengthen democratic values and civic engagement.
A vibrant, inclusive democracy that includes all Chicagoans is foundational to an equitable economy. Pritzker Traubert Foundation invests in strategies that promote strong local journalism, protect and expand civil rights, and strengthen Chicago's civic collaboration. We believe that when people are informed and active participants in our democracy, access to economic opportunity/mobility increases for all. Protecting civil rights and liberties is critical to ensuring the strength and vitality of our city.
Recent grants focus on addressing critical issues across Chicago, including strengthening local journalism, increasing access to broadband internet, and responding to acute needs related to COVID-19 and civil liberties.
Key Partnership Investments
Chicago Public Media is a leading local source of news, storytelling, and cultural programming that connects Chicagoans to each other and the world. Together with the Chicago Sun-Times, we believe in the vital role of journalism in a healthy democracy and the essential role that public media plays in informing the public with fact-based, independent, human-centered stories that reflect the diversity of our community. Pritzker Traubert Foundation is supporting Chicago Public Media’s new vision for local journalism.
Civic Consulting Alliance is a nonprofit organization bringing together collaborative investments to get big things done for Chicago. They provide pro bono consulting services that are amplified by the capacity and expertise of their corporate partners. Together, they work at the systems level to reshape the Chicago region to be more just, equitable, and resilient. Pritzker Traubert Foundation supports Civic Consulting Alliance's model to provide pro bono support to cross-sector projects in the areas of education, safety and justice, and economic vitality.
Chicago Connected is a public-private partnership that expands broadband access to Chicago Public Schools students and families, ensuring that the city’s future talent pipeline has the resources for online learning during the COVID-19 crisis. The program also provides additional digital literacy and workforce resources through a network of community-based organization partners and online platforms. As of early 2022, Chicago Connected has connected nearly 64,000 CPS students (more than 35,000 families) to the internet.
The ACLU was founded in 1920 to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in the United States by the Constitution. Notable issues include protecting voter rights, reproductive rights, privacy and free speech, reforming the legal system, advancing immigrants’ rights, and promoting gender and sexual equality. Pritzker Traubert Foundation is partnering with the ACLU and their ongoing work to defend and support their continuous efforts in safeguarding a diverse array of rights and liberties.


Civil Consulting Alliance